佩奇还ts '23: 学习ing teamwork, communication, and 领导 at Hershey Park

mg冰球突破豪华版下载的学生完成了社区参与时间和一个 与实习 before graduation in order to help build their career networks and give them important hands-on experiences.

佩姬·高跷,23岁生物学2022年夏天,他在好时娱乐度假村度过了一个夏天, 完成为期12周的好时公园领导力发展项目. She was drawn to the program because she knew it would put her outside of her comfort zone.

“I didn’t know anyone else going and I had never been to Hershey Park, 只有巧克力世界,她解释道. “但这次实习的重点是领导力, 我很高兴能提高我在这方面的技能.”

作为项目的一部分, 好时举办了12个研讨会,重点是礼仪等职业技能, 网络, 领导, 热情好客, 以及专门的主题. 讲习班由主题专家主持, 包括好时的一些高管和当地商界领袖. The interns were split into three groups so that they could ask questions and have lively discussions with each other.

“One of the workshops covered diversity, equity, and inclusion,” Stilts said. “A big takeaway for me was learning that we sometimes need to step back and think about who we are working with. It’s important to realize we all come from different backgrounds and that affects how we work together. It’s so important when you get frustrated to take that step back and think, 然后找出可能导致误解的原因.”

The workshop on etiquette gave pointers on how to have successful business meals and helped prepare the interns for the final workshop, 哪个是特别的午餐. 在午餐会上, the interns were grouped by their majors and sat with business leaders in roles related to their future careers. Stilts and a few other 生物学 majors sat with people from the health industry and a Hershey employee, where they had the chance to network and show off their newly-learned conversation skills.

When Stilts wasn’t in the workshops, most of her time was spent working in the park. Students in the Hershey internship program are able to choose the area in which they would like to work, so Stilts chose food service since that wasn’t something she had done before.

高跷们通常在一个叫丽塔的摊位上工作, but shifted among other restaurants and stands wherever she was needed elsewhere. 因为她是大四学生,而且有她的职业风范, Stilts was often trusted to run stands on her own or to help manage at a restaurant when a manager had to leave.

虽然工作和高温都很折磨人, 高跷的工作附带了一些福利, 包括无限制地使用公园游乐设施. Park tickets could also be earned for working a certain number of days, 所以高跷可以邀请她的家人免费参观公园. 像Silts这样的员工也可以享受下班后的派对.

Stilts said working in the park complimented the workshops because she could directly apply what she was learning in class, whether it was mingling with other interns – some who hailed from different parts of the world – or working alongside full-time park employees and high school students earning their summer money. Stilts became close with an intern from Louisiana as well as some of the international interns.

Working alongside this diverse group of people with different motivations and experiences taught her important lessons in 领导 and teamwork that Stilts planned to carry into a future career in the sciences.

“It was clear to see how one to two people affect the dynamics of the team. 我和我的队友们在如何激励他人方面学到了很多, 如何最好地沟通, 以及如何互相支持,”她说。. “I was impressed to see that age had little to do with 领导 abilities and that it is more about what a person brings with them, 比如愿意学习和工作, 以及与他人沟通的能力.”

高跷把这段经历铭记于心,在理论和实践上都是如此. She was awarded the Outstanding Employee Award on her second to last day in the program.


Among the challenges Stilts and her colleagues faced was managing the impact of a big change at the park – the park going cashless. 这通常不是问题, but sometimes parents would drop their children off for a day with only cash.

“很难向一个8岁的孩子解释这种变化,”她说. “But it was also really rewarding to be able to give a kid an ice cream cone and see the smile on their face. 这一切都是值得的.”
