


Elmira is dedicated to the national movement to keep higher education affordable, offering a first-class education at a low cost compared to any four-year 私立大学 or university in the region. Students accepted for admission are automatically reviewed for a scholarship or award. Amounts range from $13,000 to $25,000, with five competitive, full-tuition scholarships available. The highest-value scholarship will be awarded if a student qualifies for more than one academic scholarship or award.



感谢学院慷慨的全额学费奖学金, 它以一种我从未想过的方式让我上得起大学."
——jazmine Elliott, 26岁


Elmira offers scholarships that recognize your academic and personal achievements. 首次使用, 全日制新生, scholarship money is awarded based on your high school GPA and/or ACT or SAT scores unless otherwise noted. The mg冰球突破豪华版下载Academics项目 Scholarship is the College's most generous and competitive four-year, 基于优秀的奖学金.

A student holds up a pile of weeds while performing community service at Eldridge Park


The 1855年奖 recognizes students who exemplify outstanding leadership through involvement in clubs, 组织, 表演艺术, 和更多的. 1855年的奖项是用学术标准颁发的, 优先考虑学生的课外简历.


Elmira's most competitive program awards five full-tuition scholarships annually to first-year, 全日制本科生. A select number of finalists will be invited to campus in February for an mg冰球突破豪华版下载Academics项目 Day, 包括面试和向委员会成员作报告. 



The 创始人奖学金 is awarded to students who exhibit the ideals of 埃尔迈拉大学's founder, 西缅本杰明, 通过卓越的学术和课外活动. This scholarship considers a high school student's high school grade point average, 学术课程, ACT或SAT成绩(如果提交), 学术推荐信, 参与课外活动.


以奥利维亚·兰登·克莱门斯命名, 一个埃尔迈拉, 纽约, native from the Class of 1864 and the wife of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (most famously known as Mark Twain), 这项奖学金颁发给第一次入学的学生, 全日制学生基于学术和课程成绩, 字符, 和领导能力.


The 总统奖学金 is awarded to students who exhibit the ideals of 埃尔迈拉大学, 通过卓越的学术和课外活动. This scholarship considers a high school student's high school grade point average, 学术课程, ACT或SAT成绩(如果提交), 学术推荐信, 参与课外活动.


“飞鹰奖”是颁发给第一次参赛的选手的, full-time student who exemplifies Elmira's mission of embodying active learning, 有效的领导, 负责任的社区成员, and globally engaged citizenry through a collaborative and supportive environment.


这1美元,000 annual scholarship is awarded to an outside-the-box thinker from each class year who contributes to the environmental, social, 以及mg冰球突破豪华版下载社区的财务可持续性. 除了, sustainability leaders will have access to a designated space on campus to work, 满足, 并聚集在一起分享想法,共同成长. 



mg冰球突破豪华版下载根据天赋为即将入学的新生提供几个奖项. Currently, these awards include: Art Portfolio, Theatre, Pep Band, Dance, and Cheer.  For additional information on each award and to submit your name for an award, 访问我们的人才奖页面.




Elmira offers scholarships that recognize your academic and personal achievements, including the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Scholarship and Elmira’s most prestigious award given to a transfer student, 转学荣誉奖学金. 全日制转学生可用, scholarship money is awarded based on your college GPA 参与课外活动 unless otherwise noted.  


Phi Theta Kappa奖学金

Phi Theta Kappa奖学金获得者获得一学期奖学金, full-tuition scholarship to pursue a four-year degree at a nationally ranked, 私立大学.


  • 你必须住在校园里. 如果你选择通勤,你的奖学金将是全额学费的75%.
  • 你必须注册为全日制学生.
  • 你必须保持良好的学术成绩.
  • 你可以从现在的大学转60个学分到mg冰球突破豪华版下载.
  • 您必须提交PTK会员证明.
  • Before enrollment, you must file the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA).


授予转校生的最负盛名的奖学金, this award looks at the cumulative grade point average of all colleges attended 参与课外活动 throughout college.


The 转学成就奖 is awarded to transfer students based on excellence in both their Academics and co-curricular activities.


The 转移奖 is designed for full-time transfer students who exemplify the 埃尔迈拉大学 mission statement and values showcased in our students since 1855: active learning, 有效的领导, 负责任的社区成员, and globally engaged citizenry through a collaborative and supportive environment. 他们参与社区服务,并表现出深深的学校自豪感.



每年, 埃尔迈拉大学 offers academic scholarships to students interested in joining our Soaring Eagle family. Students accepted for admission are automatically reviewed for a scholarship or award based on academic and personal achievements. The highest-value scholarship will be awarded if a student qualifies for more than one academic scholarship or award.

  • 第一次做全日制学生
  • Have each student you nominate should have a minimum academic grade point average of 3.0 (4.0规模)
  • 展示优秀的学校和社区领导能力
  • 对mg冰球突破豪华版下载提供的学术课程感兴趣

Global Access奖学金

专为全日制国际学生设计, this scholarship is for those who exemplify Elmira's mission of active learning, 有效的领导, 负责任的社区成员, and globally engaged citizenry through a collaborative and supportive environment. 学生的录取标准还包括学业成绩.


The 全球倡议奖学金 is awarded to full-time international students, 无论是第一年还是转学, 基于他们的学术和课外成就, 字符, 和领导能力.


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